This south island park is a place I worked at as a park ranger for several years and the populated parts I got to know very well. The glory of park rangering has much to do with being a public servant and much of that in the summer months is involved with pit toilets and garbage pick-up in the camping areas. The large back country part, hills and forests and a long rocky coastline were outside of my working duties. In fact, public access was discouraged by park administration. With no trails and no signage there was no patrolling or servicing to be done either and that saved money. Only after pressure from island hiking groups were trails finally established by volunteer labour. Now, many years later I am venturing out into the backcountry of my familiar park.
This spring-time season has rich greens of moss covered rocky ledges and trails that have become small rivers in the swampy parts. A mist of tiny leaves cover the oceanspray bushes and the salal leaves wetly reflect the sky light. My first walk down each trail is exciting; my eyes are lifted to each new vista; steep cliffs, gravel beaches, arbutus and oak topped points of land.At Bear Point, I look around carefully as I edge down rocky slopes, and I find Yeo Point, absolutely beautiful, - only ever seen by me before from the deck of a yacht passing between the Channel Islands and this shore. To walk a place, to stumble and then remember to watch each step as well, is the story of my exploring new territory within a mile or two of my home. All those years, and here it is!
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