he said, and pointed towards the land,
mounting wave will roll us shoreward soon”.
'The Lotus
Eaters' Tennyson
bamboo brush was loaded with what I had thought to be dark blue, but
a broad sweep across the white paper told even my colour challenged
eyes that this was really a wine colour. OK, I thought and used the
remaining twist of the brush's hairs to draw in an island. A few more
dabs of colour, a distant galley and I had stumbled into a page from
Homer and his 'wine dark sea'. Ulysses, on his torturous way home
from Troy has been storm blown beyond the known bounds of the world
and while his crew cowers in fear and trembling he sights land by
morning's light, tells them to have courage, there is land to
leeward. That of the Lotus Eaters, it turns out and the beginning of
a new adventure.
remember telling Homer's story to an acquaintance some years ago who
like the crew was in despair with no obvious passage through her
life's travails. Sometimes we all need to turn to face into the
future and say to ourselves 'courage', because no matter how faintly
it shows itself there is something new on the horizon. No matter how
dire things may seem this is not the end but a new dawn, a new
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